28 February 2008

Hello World

So, I spend _way_ too much time at my computer. Perhaps I should spend some of that time exploring something besides e-mail, data and code. I'll try exercising the parts of my brain necessary to support a blog.

The girls are coming over this weekend. KC plays with the all-county orchestra concert on Friday night--I'll pick her up afterwards. Too bad that I can't make this one, I'll be home tucking everyone into bed.

I'm headed off to Miami next week and Minneapolis the week after. There has to be something said about visiting those two cities in that order so late in the winter.

This is my second trip to Minneapolis in a few weeks. I got lucky and saw Garrison Keillor while there. He finished the News From Lake Woebegon segment with:

Some luck lies not in getting what you have or what you thought you wanted,
but in getting what you have now,
which once you have it,
you may be smart enough to realize
was what you would have wanted had you known in the first place.

Right said Fred . . . erm . . . Garrison.

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